Thursday 2 February 2017

Rare Ice shine like Diamonds that Found in Japan

An amazing Ice shine like Diamonds that Found in Japan 

Rare Ice shine like Diamonds that Found in Japan

A huge lumps spread on a beach at Tokachi River’s mount on Hokkaido.  Hokkaido is the second largest island of Japan. This Rare Ice shine like Diamonds under evening moon beams. In this Rare Ice Sprinkles like diamonds and glow like amber in a setting sun. At quick look, this sight look like a remnants of a huge gemstone heist gone incorrect. But, these shiny charms are only the ice chunks. Those ices discharge through the rivers and also tumbled through ocean waves. Rare Ice shine like Diamonds are known as Tokachi river ice, jewel ice or jewelry ice. In fact, these ices are look only here, in only at time of coldest winter.

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