Friday 7 April 2017

Symptoms, causes, and treatment of Heart Stroke

Symptoms, causes, and treatment of Heart Stroke

Heat Stroke cause sign and also treatment

What is Heat stroke???

Heat stroke is also known as Heatstroke or sunstroke. It is a form of hyperthermia in which the temperature of a body is elevated dramatically. It is a most dangerous type of heat injury. Heatstroke is also known as siriasis or thermic fever. This one type of life-threatening emergency which must be required an immediate treatment. Here we provide the Causes of Heatstroke, sign & symptoms of heatstroke, treatment for heatstroke, type of heatstroke, reason for heatstroke and also way to prevent heatstroke.

Type of Heat Stroke

There two main type of heatstroke, which are given below.
  • Non-Exertional heatstroke (NEHS): This type of stroke is generally is occurring in very young and older age people. Those people have a higher health risk. In fact, they are very poor in environmental situation.
  • Exertional Heat Stroke (EHS): Exertional heatstroke is generally occurring in younger people. It causes when any healthy younger people do any strenuous physical work.

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