Thursday 24 August 2017

JIO Phone Booking Started

JIO Phone Booking Started – JIO 1500 Rs Phone Registration

JIO 1500 Rs Phone Registration Online: After the device testing on August 15th, 2017, it has been declared by the owner that the registration for the JIO 1500 Rs Phone will be starting from August 24th, 2017. This phone is launched in the 40th Reliance Annual General Meeting by the Managing Director and Chairman Mukesh Ambani. Many days this product has been launched in the market, but people are looking for the device live in the market. Before launching this product in the market it was tested and rechecks all the features, service which will be the part of this JIO 1500. Right below here we are going to provide you the information about JIO Phone Booking Started.

Important Dates and Specification of JIO 1500 Rs Phone

This JIO 1500 phone was launch on July 21st, 2017 by the Reliance Chairman. He declare to start the Pre-Booking for this phones on 24th August, 2017, before that this phone was test on 15th August, 2017 with all services and features relate to the JIO phone. After this all process finally the JIO 1500 Phone will be available to the customers in September 2017.

Saturday 19 August 2017

9 Amazing Benefits of Lemongrass for health and skin

9 Amazing Benefits of Lemongrass for health and skin

Another name of Lemongrass is fever grass. It is a perennial plant with long and thin leaves. It is native to lots of Asian countries. Lemongrass is known as lemongrass because it smells like lemon. However, the taste of it is sweeter and milder. Different Asian cook used Lemongrass as flavoring agents because of its potent flavor. Not only culinary use, lemongrass is also used in complementary or alternative home remedies for a big range of ailments. So, here we provide the amazing Benefits of Lemongrass for Health and skin.

Nutrition Value of Lemongrass

Lemongrass is an amazing source of folate, zinc, Vitamin A and C, folic acid, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, iron, and potassium, copper and also calcium. It also contains a lesser amount of vitamin B.
Medicinal properties of Lemongrass are countless such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, febrifuge, sedative, antidepressant, antifungal, carminative, antipyretic, analgesic, febrifuge, sedative, antiseptic, diuretic, antibacterial, insecticidal, astringent, galactagogue and also anti-cancer. For different treatment bulb, leaves and stems of lemongrass are very useful.

Thursday 17 August 2017

Best Yoga Poses that helps Breast Cancer Recovery

Best Yoga Poses that helps Breast Cancer Recovery

Best Yoga Poses that helps Breast Cancer Recovery are Fish Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana), Hero Pose (Virasana), Crescent Pose (Anjaneyasana), Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II), Bridge Pose (Sethu Bandhasana) and Corpse Pose (Savasana) also. Here we provide all details about Yoga Asana that help with Breast Cancer Recovery. In addition you can check the other details about breast cancer such as sign and

What is Breast Cancer??????

This is the most common cancer amongst all cancer, which diagnosed in women.  In fact, it also affects Men in some rarely cases. This cancer is malignant tumor which starts in the breast cells. This malignant tumor is a collection of breast cancer cells which may develop into surrounding tissues to distant areas of body. There are certain sign of this cancer, which are given below.

How Yoga Help to recover from Cancer of Breast???

Basically, yoga helps cancer patients to feel better and also help to fight from various side effect of breast Cancer like nausea, weakness, fatigue and immobility also. In fact, it also helps to reduce those side effects.
Yoga helps patents by improving mobility & strength and also helps to reduce anxiety & stress. Yoga helps to reduce the blood pressure and heart rate. As per the research, patients who perform yoga, those have more better recovery and also better improvement in the life’s quality.
Yoga helps to improves heart health, bone health, blood flow, awareness of body and respiratory. It also helps to improve your sleep, mind (mood) and also concentration that take back seat at time of treatment of breast cancer.