Saturday 25 March 2017

Major Heart Attack Red flag

Major Heart Attack Red flag you must know

Some health problems which are related to health and heart attack are the main causes of death in the world. There is not any particular sign of heart attack. Unhappily, Heart Attack generally occurs silently. In fact, approximately, 25 % of heart attack also occurs “Silently”. Heart Attack is frequently deadly because lots of people delay or fail to look for medical treatment. However, the several research and study recognize some Major Heart Attack Red Flag which you must know.
The main cause of Heart Attack is blood clot blocks the flow of blood to the heart. Tissue loses the oxygen and dies without blood. Heart Attack is an emergency of medical treatment.  This medical treatment may range from changes in lifestyle & cardiac rehabilitation to medication, stents & bypass surgery. Compare to women men have higher chances to have a heart attack.
One of the famous cardiologists of America, Dr. Chauncey Crandall had spent decades enthusiastically working to reduce, reverse and also to prevent heart-related health issue. After some time, Dr. Chauncey Crandall had come to identify that heart does generally warn you people of a major heart attack minutes, days or even before a week to occur heart attack, which means there some Major Heart Attack Red flag that needs to know.

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